Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's Just Food, People

In Monday's Chicago Tribune, part-time food writer Christopher Borrelli bemoans the "fussiness of the foodies" and the fact that people are always talking about their food and where it comes from and if it's authentic.  http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-live-1227-foodie-backlash-20101227,0,118410.story  He mentions the intensity of servers at one restaurant and quotes NY Times write Amanda Hesser, "That cataloging of food experience is becoming tiresome."  The article goes on to list other instances of what is perceived as over-weening foodie-ism.

I gotta say, these complainers are hanging with the wrong people!  Come on - food is fun!  If it stops being fun, you're doing something wrong.  Yes, the people I eat with talk about food a lot.  We eat a lot.  Some of us cook a lot.  Our favorite discussion topic over dinner is our next meal.  Why - because we enjoy it.  We enjoy discovering a new dish, new restaurant, new chef.  We like eating at The Girl and the Goat because we enjoyed watching Stephanie win Top Chef.  We like seeing Pinn Oak lamb on a menu because we've met the farmer at the farmer's market.  We like coming home from a trip to Spain and checking 5 Spanish cookbooks out of the library and spending a couple of days re-creating the dishes we ate there.

How hard can it be - eat what you enjoy!  Share the enjoyment with others.

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